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Monday, March 5, 2012


I have an addiction to whiling away hours of my time, reading other peoples' blogs. I guess that makes me a good "blog supporter." Or a really good time-waster.

I'm addicted to cheese and chocolate. Hence the other addiction to entering the Points for everything I eat into a daily log on Weight Watchers. Do not misunderstand: I don't even like Weight Watchers to be a part of my life. Simply put, if it was not, I would be 400 pounds because I don't have that nifty little thing in my stomach that tells my brain when I'm satisfied. Sigh, sigh, sigh.

And bread. Add bread to that addiction I mentioned above.

I'm addicted to certain seasonal television. I watch The Bachelor and Big Brother, every time the shows air. I have no shame. I don't even try to hide it anymore.

I'm addicted to lia sophia jewelry, buying shoes, and good lipstick. They are three things that make me feel good n' sassy.

I'm obviously addicted to using the word 'addicted'. Which I've just now decided could be easily interchanged with "obsessed."

I'm addicted/obsessed with procrastination. I'm multitasking between writing a blog, looking at emails and checking out recipes online. Has anyone else noticed that hardly anyone says "online" anymore? Or "on the internet?" It's just assumed that everything is on the internet. I remember when it was a big deal.

I might browse the DSW website in a minute. Anything to prolong the time before I have to continue working on a 20 page paper.
I'm addicted to anxiety, apparently, as the deadline is fast-approaching.

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